Advantages for Service Seekers
- It works like a reversed auction for you! We allow three service providers to respond to your service inquiry, allowing them to compete for your business. This gives you the opportunity to choose amongst the three who best fits your service needs.
- Using this site is ABSOLUTELY FREE for all service seekers.
- After you register, it takes less than 15 seconds to request a service and it takes between 1 to 22 minutes to receive a response from our registered service providers (talk about saving time!)
- We believe in safe and secure communication, so you'll receive information about the service providers from us BEFORE they can contact you.
Just imagine what it would be like if you never have to look for service providers anywhere else but one place, NEEDASERVICENOW.COM
Advantages for Service Providers
- Our operation is unique and absolutely unlike others - we don't have big membership or service lead fees. Instead, we have designed a WIN, WIN, WIN business relationship for service providers, service seekers and us.
- Instead of you waiting for customers to call you, potential customers are waiting for YOU TO CALL THEM.
- You will receive an email, text message, or both the moment a service inquiry is posted at NASN and falls under the service(s) and the zip codes that you picked to provide service.
- You will save time and money spent on advertising! THINK ABOUT IT! Customers are NOW SEEKING YOU, rather than the other way around. This eliminates the need for:
- TV or radio ads.
- Yellow pages, white pages, this list, that list or any advisor to get customers.
- Coupons, flyers, billboards, banners, and/or street signs - and saving trees makes for a better environment for all of us.